viernes, 28 de abril de 2017


If I were a professional dancer, I would  travel all around the world, a professional dancer not only travels, but also knows more of other cultures, if I were a dancer, I would also like to open a dance academy, but not just salsa, Of various dance genres, such as hip hop, slasa caleña, sports dance, among others, if I were a professional dancer, that travels all over the world, I would like to be one of the best, be called or invited to all of the Salsa International congress dance competitions, If I were that dancer I would like to be a well-known dancer all over the world.

Resultado de imagen para imperio juvenil

I would like to be able to help people who need them, I would like to fulfill peoples dreams as well as mine.  if I were a great professional dancer, I would call all the congresses and have lots of money, I would like to be able to fulfill that and not only that , If not also to be able to fulfill the dreams.

Resultado de imagen para imperio juvenil

Resultado de imagen para imperio juvenil

If I were a dancer I would like to be able to fulfill all of my goals, and help others, as well as accomplish becoming a lawyer. If I were a lawyer, I would also like to be able to change this society a lot and help many more people. If I were a lawyer and a dancer, I would like to do both, but to be able to do things well and be a great mark for this society and to be one LAWYER DANCER.

Imagen relacionada

lunes, 24 de abril de 2017



Try to see why when the water and salt is mixed the egg floats and in normal water not or in hot water.

MATERIALS For the Salad Egg experiment, you will need the following materials:
  1. Two raw eggs.
  2. Table salt.
  3. Two containers.
  4. Soup spoon.
  5. Tap water.
  1. Fill both containers with tap water.
  2. Add about 6 tablespoons of salt in a bowl and mix well with a spoon until the salt has completely dissolved in the water.
  3. Place one egg in each bowl and note which of the eggs floats and which sinks.
Why objects float or sink
    Now let us return to the question of why objects float or sink. Placing an object denser than fresh water in this water will automatically sink. In our Salted Egg Egg experiment, the egg, being denser than tap water, pushes away the water particles to make room for itself, which is why the sinking motion occurs. But in the case of salt water, which is heavier than tap water, it is more capable of holding the egg up. Therefore, egg flotation occurs. In other words, objects sink when their density is greater than the density of the liquid.

    sábado, 22 de abril de 2017



    1. 1 bottle of unopened mineral water
    2. ice
    3. A vessel or vessel
    4. freezer



    Or first thing we have to do is put our water bottle in the freezer, between 120 and 160 minutes. It is important that the bottle is hermetically sealed. After this time we will see that the water is frosty or very cold, but not frozen. We put a few cubes of ice in a glass (also works with a single cube and you can put it on either side, the glass serves only to contain the falling water), open the bottle and we are slowly pouring the water on the ice, making it fall Always on the same spot for our ice "tower" to grow. Have you seen the video? Surprising! At the end of the video you will also notice that giving a blow or shake the bottle, the water crystallizes immediately ... what is happening?

    This process is called superfusion or superfusion. In this process a liquid cools below its freezing point, without going into the solid state (this is what we have done when putting the bottle of mineral water in the freezer). The freezing point of the water is 0 °, but if it cools gradually and has no impurities (such as mineral water), its temperature can be lowered further without crystallizing. Well, our water will crystallize only in the presence of what is called "seed crystal" or "core", so our ice cubes: when it comes into contact with this core the water begins to form a crystal structure around it.


    1. .A balloon.
    2. A plastic bag.
    3. Scissors.
    4. A woolen garment or our own hair.



    To make the flyer, the first step is to put the plastic bag on a table or any other surface and stretch it well. Once stretched, we have to fold it lengthwise into four pieces.

    Now, we cut the bottom of the bag and we measured about three or four fingers from that point and we cut again. We take the trimmed piece and open it: this will be our flying ring.

    On the other hand, we inflate a balloon and knot it. In order to "fly" our ring, all we have to do is repeatedly rub the balloon with some woolen garment or simply our hair, and do the same with the outside of the ring. We throw up the plastic ring and place the part that we have rubbed the balloon facing it. As we can see, they will repel continuously and give the feeling that the ring is levitating.


    When we rub both objects with wool or hair, what we have done has been to fill them with negative charge. Like magnets, loads of the same sign repel, so when placing the balloon under the ring, it repels it up and we get the plastic ring, being very light, avoid.


    1.  Pipe cleaners
    2.  Fishing line {rope or thread will also works
    3. Pencils or wooden skewers
    4. scissors
    5. Lenses or plastic container lenses {one for each color}
    6. A container large enough to hold its name {if making its name as a single piece written in italics}
    7. Borax
    8. Food coloring {optional, if you want colored letters you can dye the borax solution or use colored tube cleaners}
    9. Measuring cup
    10. Tablespoon.
    11. Heat-safe mixing vessel.

    When borax is dissolved in water a suspension is created. A suspension is a mixture having solid particles (the borax) that are large enough for sedimentation. As the borax begins to settle, it begins to crystallize on all surfaces that come into contact with the tube - including cleaner cards. As the borax continues to sediment, crystals accumulate on top of other borax crystals creating a thick layer.

    1.  Doing the measurement and mixing should make sure the water is as hot as possible to help dissolve the borax quickly, without being hot enough to burn.
    2. We set plastic containers of 5-quart size and had a measure out 3 tablespoons borax per cup of hot water we used {9} tablespoons per container.
    3. Choose the figure or the set you want to perform, for example a letter or a figure.
    4. Once the whole borax was measured I poured 3 cups of almost boiling water into each of the 5 containers. A, armed with a long wooden spoon, mixed each container until the dissolved borax.
    5. Add a few drops of food coloring to each container and carefully lowered each letter into the color of choice.
    6. Put the containers on a shelf and let it sit during the night when you will not be affected by the curious hands.
    7. It was difficult to see what was happening to the pipe cleaners through the dark colored food solution.

    The end result would be something like this


    If I were a professional dancer, I would  travel all around the world, a professional dancer not only travels, but also knows more of other...